Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our "BIBLE" at Malgosia these days.....

Can't get enough of "DELUXE: HOW LUXURY LOST ITS LUSTRE" by Dana Thomas...a brilliant writer who tells us all about the Luxury Goods Industry, a $157 Billion industry (seems small compared to the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout-except it's NOT) and where it stands today. It says a lot about our philosophy at MALGOSIA and why we have been moving in the direction we have been for some time.....AWAY from mass produced goods, AWAY from "Designer" Labels (Mostly Made in China, only good for one season before they are "O-V-E-R" to the Fashion World) AWAY from over priced, over licensed, over commercialized products.

A new movement is already underway and we're on board. Are you? If you are on the fence and just can't break your Marc Jacobs addiction, read this book. You'll probably change your mind.

1 comment:

BLONDEonBlondes aka "Bob" said...

Malgosia team,
Kudos to taking a stance on MJ...I've been over MJ since the beginning - I've never been into the boxy, retro looking dowdy styles that don't flatter and never seem to made out of any quality fabrics...going to get the book now and get the real scoop! - K